Thursday, January 12

Try, try again...

At last I feel it is time (again) to attempt to purchase our house.

Everything we have is sold- our condo, our duplex, our savings are exhausted. Now essentially all we have is a few earthly belongings in a small storage unit and a few small pieces of furniture that we took with us across the country. On the plus side, now that we have `purged` ourselves of all we had perhaps this can pave the way for the final successful attempt at home ownership.

We have chosen to offer on a very retro, vintage 1970s inspired home that has many wonderful varieties of wallpapers, and gardens filled with lawn ornaments, gnomes, ducks, signs, lights and other trinkets. The garden shed has a plethora of horns and racks adorned to its outside, and the home itself has lovely popsicle stick shaped brown shutters at every window. Very lovely =) In fact the garage doors have a quirky kitschy hand painted mural as you can see here. And it is very lovely- I will feel badly for a moment when I Tremclad over it. Someone *did* try to paint something there that they were enjoying.

The thing I love about homes like this though is the opportunity to make things the way that you want. I loooooove that! And typically you can get these places a little cheaper (like we are hoping to here) with the knowledge that yes, you can expect to do likely a few years worth of renovations.

This home will need mostly paint, wallpaper removing, more paint, some flooring upgrades... but otherwise, really just cosmetic changes. Structurally it appears to be good.

I am really ready to move forward from the chaos of 2011! I would happily trade off my spare time spent removing wallpaper, pruning and gardening, painting and prepping for a space I could call my own. Happily..!

This *has* to be the time that it happens....!

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