Sunday, May 23

Georgia Nicols : "This week explosive, unpredictable Uranus moves into Aries where it will stay until August. Then it slips back into Pisces, only to return to Aries in March next year, where it will stay until 2019. (That's almost nine years.) The last time Uranus was in Aries was 1928-1935. (And just like now, it had a little peep show in 1927 for a few months.) We don't want to ignore this. The year 1928 was when the wheat crop crash brought Canada into the Depression (not the famous 1929 stock market crash on Wall Street which many now believe). When Uranus changes signs, it also affects each of us individually. Here's a preview of life's coming attractions. If we have data at our fingertips, let's use it. Hey - we know clocks are better than sun dials, especially on rainy days."

Good gawd, ominous astrology today lol !

The positive aspect of Uranus is flexibility. Learning to roll with whatever happens. The Depression of the 30s made most poor, but also made some
millionaires. In fact, more people became millionaires during this time than in any other time in American history. People such as Colonel Sanders (KFC), Babe Ruth (baseball), Howard Hughes (movie producer), Gene Autry (movie star), Joe Kennedy (businessman), Sheldon Solow (real estate), Hewlett and Packard (do you live under a rock?), Charles Darrow (lawyer) all came out on top at this time. Industries that flourished then were so-called 'escapist past-times' like the movies, newspapers & magazines, the cigarette industry, sports, alcohol (bootlegging was huge), and automobile industry flourished. Things that most could afford, that entertained and took people away from the stress of day to day living in bread lines.

For the last couple years since ENRON and some larger financial institutions failing, I've seen some blogs wagging fingers in the air that The Great Depression is Coming Again. Now with the European Union and Greece in chaos and news that domestic interest rates are preparing to rise in a matter of days, again we hear predictions about a crash coming in the next couple years. Both Harry Dent and Ian Gordon (economists, although some say extremists) predict further declines. They say the US housing market is still to decline (yes, I've heard this), the Chinese markets will suffer (because the US relies so heavily on them for imports/ people aren't buying as much/ imports decline/ China can't export). All of these global variables are supporting a DELAY in raising interest rates in Canada. Now I hear it's a 50/50 chance that rates will rise and only a quarter percent at that anyways, although by year end it's expected to increase by 1.25% (making prime about 3.5%).

At any rate (nyuk nyuk) all things are cyclic and the only thing certain in life (besides death and taxes) is CHANGE. No sense getting uptight or worried about what may or may not occur in any aspect of your life. Best thing is (and I go back to the astrology!) to watch the skies, read the news, go with the flow. Let be what will be, enjoy what is.

I will leave you with a poem by JD Rockefeller Sr. at age 86 (1926):

I was early taught to work as well as play,

My life has been one long, happy holiday;

Full of work and full of play-

I dropped the worry on the way-

And God was good to me everyday.


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