Wednesday, February 3

I have to tell you, pregnancy and birthing scares me. Like really freaks me out. I know it's how we all get here. Unless we're Mork. But when you see the SIZE of some bellies it is somewhere near amazing that bodies can recover from that. (And no I'm not, it's just a beer gut...) Isn't there an easier way to do it? Can't we come up with something in this day and age, like say, a zipper or something?!

The thing I do like is the arts and crafts that come pregnancies, like those weird belly casts and belly painting. Those are kind of fun =P

Anyways I want to wish probably the most daring, crazy, animated chick I know (aka Mrs Spanky Strangler) good luck tonight. I hope she is going to be a mom soon. I know it's coming very quickly. Good luck to her; nothing but love and good vibes to their newly created family. xox

1 comment:

~n~ said...

LMAO wish i could watch the youtube link... another day. :( belly casts & painting = tons of fun ways to celebrate something very natural, something that we've allllllllll been through (birth, that is). there's 6 billion people on this planet, and it's amazing how as women in labour you can tap into the maternal energy, the deep wisdom in your DNA of how to do it. when push comes to shove (ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA, sorry, couldn't resist), you just do it. (because it's waaaaaaaayyyy too late to back out by that point!) ;)