Friday, December 26

Yes, it is Boxing Day. The Annual Day of Consumer Indulgence! (Or the Day Known As "I'm Broke And Appreciate Discounts")

For those of you braving the malls and searching for a little more bang for your buck here are the links that steer you to them:

News about Best Buy and Future Shop
And so it begins

You Need Some Purple in Your Life

Purple will make you feel ambitious, independent, and creative.
And with a little purple, you will project an aura of individuality.
If you want more extravagance, you've got to get a little purple in your life!

For extra punch: Combine purple with green or orange

The downside of purple: It can evoke sad feelings

The consequences of more purple in your life:

You will feel an increase in your artistic abilities
You will find balance in the most chaotic parts of your life
You will feel calm and will be hard to disturb

What Color Do You Need?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I avoided the sales crush, but I do like purple! :)

Happy New Year, holy.