Monday, December 22

So good to be back in the condo. Just to have OUR things, in OUR place alone is great. But to also have a new kitchen, with new counters, new cabinets, new floor that I lucked out on and MATCHES the cabinets (LOA!)... it looks lovely. It's been freshly painted also, in colors that are more so for resale than personal taste (Benjamin Moore Buckhorn I think it is... earthy, sensible browns). Me- I LOVE color. I would have color EVERYWHERE if I were going to stay here forever. But at some point this will sell and it needs to have an updated color scheme to match the rest of the newness in here. Meanwhile I need to get some area rugs, a drill to put my new lights up with, a closet organizer (since I'm unpacking I may as well ORGANIZE), yada yada. I guess that brown color on the wall is going to have me being sensible in no time flat... =P

My dilemma at this moment is that I can't get my puter working =( And you know me. I LIVE on it. So I will have to get John to help me connect it later. When I plug it together it says "FAIL! You suck! Nice try!" and all sorts of other ignorant comments at me... Okay, it doesn't. It says something about Boot Disk Stick It In Somewhere Something. But I WISH my puter would say funny things at me; I'd be FAR more amused when it doesn't work =)

99% over my virus. Still very stuffy especially at night and in the morning. I can feel in my chest a shortness and I get light headed at times. But overall WAY WAY WAY better than this past week when I got back handed by it. I detest having no energy; it's frustrating.

Sure looking forward to this vacation and the holidays in general. Just to have the year come to a close, be able to plan out a New Year, reflect on what 2008 was and what 2009 will be. All good! Happy Almost Holidays, everyone =)


Debbi said...

still happy you're in the house! Wooooo!

Maybe you can use the brown colour as the 'see? I'm normal and subdued' part of the house, and ALL the accessories are colourful to say, 'see? I'm still cool and hip, too!'


sounds like you may have given your virus to your computer!!!

holymotherofgod said...

Actually I guess when we moved the plug fell out of the hard drive so it didn't work LOL!! Easy fix