Remembrance Day weekend hence the photo, Lest We Forget...
What amazingly mixed weather lately. Literally 10 days ago we were basking in plus 18 degrees wearing tshirts and shorts. Last week (Wednesday night I think) we got hit rather suddenly with winter-freezing rain, bitterly cold winds and skating rink roads as a result. Winnipeg is like that, though. There are no Spring and Fall seasons really, just extremes! (Probably why it suits me so well) Like they say, in one day you can go from using the air conditioner during the day to the heater at night! But the shock of going from plus 18 to minus 10 with wet snow and raining sleet is a bit much for us Rookie Winnipeggers! Beautiful day today; just minus 6 degrees but relatively clear with little or no wind. And WIND is the Big One. If there is WIND here (and often there is. Chicago may be the windy city of the States but I swear Winnipeg is the Windy City of the Prairies...) it absolutely rips through your bones and freezes your organs! Oy! And yet get this- we are the third fastest growing economy in Canada's major cities (2007). Must be quite a few of us unsuspecting outsiders moving here thinking it can't be that bad LOL!!!! (***/slaps forehead***)
Work's getting done on the Home Front- drywallers this week, painters the next, floor guys after that installing new laminate throughout, new kitchen cabinets and countertops installed probably the first week of December. Likely have everything back together by mid December I guesstimate... Kind of a little muddled on whether to move back in, like what would be the point? I'm going to list it for sale in January anyways. We should just sit tight, keep our things on storage and have the space staged for sale right?? Find a duplex to move into instead. Hmph. Have to see how this pans out. Very grateful to see this complete and move into a new direction. Everything is working out as it should. Desiderata. Absolutely!
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