Friday, June 27

Dude ! One week stuck at the same weight but TODAY... today that bastard scale moved. And in the right direction! YES!!

AND my sunburn is somewhat going away. Just the tops of my feet and my shoulders that are still really quite in an unfortunate condition. Makes wearing runners really painful.. and clothes. Clothes are painful. However, I refuse to go to work nude so I pack that Aloe spray with me. Hopefully by Sunday it will be more manageable and turn into a lovely tan.

Holymotherofgod was it busy at work yesterday. Everyone and their dog shopping for long weekend groceries.. Supposed to rain later today and have thunderstorms either late this afternoon or evening. Kind of wondering if this means people will shop earlier today and get to their cabins TONIGHT or will they wait and go tomorrow? Will it be busy this weekend? Slow? I dunno.

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