Friday, March 20

Welcome to the Spring Equinox. According to the web, "modern astronomy aside, people have recognized the vernal equinox for thousands of years. There is no shortage of rituals and traditions surrounding the coming of spring. Many early peoples celebrated for the basic reason that their food supplies would soon be restored. The date is significant in Christianity because Easter always falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox. It is also probably no coincidence that early Egyptians built the Great Sphinx so that it points directly toward the rising Sun on the day of the vernal equinox."

Funny thing, bunny spring!! I have had this rabbit coming around for the last week just sitting in various spots in our still snowy yard. I often see him very early in the morning before the sun comes up, his ears very tuned in to the increasing commuter traffic on the nearby road. Sort of nervous energy, those rabbits. I have that myself a lot lately with everything going on. I suppose he is here to point that out to me- to be aware, to be cautious, to be observant.

Rabbit totem is actually ruled by Hecate, goddess of the crossroads. I admit I hadn't read about her before now. What an interesting goddess. Very independant, intuitive, trustworthy; friends with everyone even Hades and Persephone of the underworld. Hecate protected people who lived on the fringe of society, tolerant of those who were different or less fortunate. She reminds us of the importance of change, helping us to release the past, especially things that are hindering our growth, and to accept change and transitions. She sometimes asks us to let go of what is familiar, safe, and secure and to travel to the scary places of the soul.

Yesterday I was just talking to people, in different and totally unrelated conversations, on these exact topics throughout the day. I must be inviting this kind of energy and these kinds of topics to me right now lol... The topics I refer to are of healing, moving forward and reflection, but in a way that honors what was, recognizes where it is now and relishes where it will go.

These past 3 weeks I have steadily been releasing "things" that I no longer need or want. Moving house lets you see all those possessions you have and forces you to ask yourself WHY am I keeping this?! But in a larger way I took that thought and really sat with a cup of coffee a few mornings, looking at it all and really soaked in that word- RELEASE. I recognized I could release in so many areas of my life. I hope to spend this year reorganizing myself, in all aspects, to shed a skin and come out better at the end. No small or easy task, but this year seems to be one in which the ox works the soil, tows the field, lays the foundation for a flourishing garden next year.

Rabbit should have some lovely carrots NEXT Spring; I hope he continues to visit =)

1 comment:

~n~ said...

really, your post makes SOOOOOO much sense out of my experience of the past few days. OYYYYYYYY!!! releasing, releasing, releasing.

"Hecate helps us to release the past, especially things that are hindering our growth, and to accept change and transitions. She sometimes asks us to let go of what is familiar, safe, and secure and to travel to the scary places of the soul."

ya, well, it hasn't been comfortable at all. I just keep reminding myself that the time has come to release the old crap and to embrace the turmoil of change. i didn't ASK for it to come up; it just did, so now i feel compelled to DEAL with it, rather than stuff it back down for another day. LOL

give me another day or two and i'll be smiling again, but right now, good GRIEF (and grief really does explain what i'm feelin')...

next time i want to hold onto a resentment, remind me of this detoxing and releasing of the past couple days. maybe i won't be so eager to be RIGHT all the time. aaaarghhhhh

loving myself, lol,