Lots of discussion lately at work about the Large Hadron Collider experiment that is going on and whether the end of the world is near. As with all science experiments there are variables (ha! I remembered something from school!) and some outcomes that may not necessarily be in line with what was originally hypothesized. For those of us that are not knowledgable about protons and electrons and magnets, the most we can do is speculate and read the internet. Personally I'm sure it's mostly safe and after billions of dollars are spent and people pray that they live through it, it might answer a few questions that have plagued man for centuries. 'Course, Stephen Hawking has 110 bucks against that....
(from technewsworld.com)
Here's the real deal: There is a very small chance, scientists say, that the LHC could theoretically create a black hole. Even on that off-chance, though, the hole would be too small and short-lasting to pose any actual danger. What's more, the collider isn't doing anything that's not already happening in nature; it's just doing it in a more controlled and observable environment. In effect, then, if what the LHC is doing would end the Earth, the Earth would have been ended ages ago by Mother Nature.
"There are multiple layers of safety," Steve Giddings, professor of physics at UC Santa Barbara, told TechNewsWorld. "It's been a little bit surprising -- this has all been played up more than is justified," he commented.
Fittingly, almost any scientist you ask will tell you the same thing: There is absolutely no reason to prepare for a doomsday (unless, of course, that's just your idea of a nice afternoon).
"Almost all of my coworkers won't even take that possibility seriously, because it's just not realistic from what we know from basic quantum mechanics," Giddings pointed out.
So relax, guys. The science guys think its all good... so it must be, right?!... Right?!!!
1 comment:
Actually CERN co-workers are under sensorship directives not to estimate risk regardless of personal oppinion.[7]
There is an issue of censorship and disinformation.[11]
Disinformation includes stating that Large Hadron Collider safety is assured and global danger is not possible (as most people would understand not possible) when in fact safety is disputed by multiple credible sources[1][2] and safety is unknown[3][4].
Disinformation includes stating that micro black holes evaporate without noting that Hawking Radiation is unproven theory disputed by multiple credible papers as fundamentally flawed and may not or does not exist.[5][6][2]
Disinformation and censorship includes directing CERN scientists to affirm no risk in all interviews regardless of personal opinion[7], and attacking the credibility of independent scientists who publicly express concern.
Are scientists more concerned with public opinion and funding scientific experimentation than safety? At the Global Catastrophic Risk conference when Toby Ord estimated a 1 in 1,000 chance that CERN's safety assumptions may be fundamentally wrong, an author of CERN's safety report replied "Jeopardizing the future of scientific research would be a global catastrophe."[8]
The fact is some credible scientists have credible concerns about a potentially credible danger. Senior Astrophysicist Dr. Plaga refutes safety conclusions of particle physicists who conjecture safety based on disputed properties of dense stars (astrophysics) and proposes feasible risk mitigation measures[1]. Dr. Rössler is a an award winning former visiting Professor of Physics famous for inventing Chaos theory's Rössler attractor and founding the field of Endophysics[2], he calculates that micro black holes could be catastrophic to Earth in years or decades. Former University of Berkeley cosmic ray researcher and Nuclear Safety Officer Walter L. Wagner originally discovered fundamental flaws with CERN's safety arguments and filed a US Federal law suit to require reasonable proof of safety[3]. Other physicists, theoretical scientists and risk experts have also expressed concerns both publicly and privately[4].
Of the independent scientists who created detailed safety reviews and rebuttals not employed by CERN or asked to comment as a favor to CERN[9], a common theme is concluded, safety is unknown. Some scientists are very concerned, and that is not misinformation or propaganda.[10]
[1] arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0808/0808.1415v1.pdf On the potential catastrophic risk from metastable quantum-black holes produced at particle colliders - Rainer Plaga Rebuttal (2008)
[2] www.wissensnavigator.com/documents/OTTOROESSLERMINIBLACKHOLE.pdf Abraham-Solution to Schwarzschild Metric Implies That CERN Miniblack Holes Pose a Planetary Risk, Prof. Dr. Otto Rossler (2008)
[3] www.lhcdefense.org/lhc_legal.php US Federal Lawsuit Filings - Walter L. Wagner (2008)
[4] www.lhcdefense.org/lhc_expertssay.php What the Experts Say (2008)
[5] xxx.lanl.gov/abs/gr-qc/0304042 Do black holes radiate?. Dr. Adam Helfer (2003)
[6] arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0607137, On the existence of black hole evaporationyet again, Prof. VA Belinski (2006)
[7] http://www.lhcdefense.org/pdf/Sancho%20v%20Doe%20-%20Affidavit%20of%20Luis%20Sancho.pdf AFFIDAVIT OF LUIS SANCHO IN UPPORT OF TRO AND PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION
[8] http://www.reason.com/news/show/128492.html A 1-in-1,000 Chance of Götterdämmerung, Will European physicists destroy the world? Ronald Bailey | September 2, 2008
[9] www.lhcfacts.org/?p=72 CERN?s Dr. Ellis tells only half of the story - LHCFacts.org (2008)
[10] www.lhcfacts.com An agument for caution, risk mitigation and an open independent and credible safety conference before high energy collisions begin.
twomosquitoes.blogspot.com/2008/09/cern-wins-battle-at-wikipedia-lhc.html CERN wins battle at Wikipedia, LHC history scrubbed, TWO MOSQUITOES
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