Friday, July 18

Moving on from the topic of GOLD I ended up looking up the gold rush and the ghost towns that it left behind. When I was a kid my parents took me to Fort Steele in the Kootenays of BC. I remember being freaked out that we were going to a ghost town (WHY are we visiting ghosts?!) However I remember clearly seeing the fort in Fort Steele and seeing a lot of worn, weathered wood. Didn't realize there were so many ghost towns in Canada, and around the world also. So, like, can you re-inhabit these places if you wanted?! It would be quiet, right?! No neighbours... Ha! You could be the new sherrif in town! HA! I have ALWAYS wanted an old, derelict abandoned church in a rural setting that I could paint deep red and have a lovely garden around, with a mailbox and sign that says HOLYMOTHEROFGOD... !
One day, I tell you... Anyhoo, I digress...

Have you had your coffee today? How much? Click here to see how jittery you are...I made it to GOD LIKE POWERS Mu haw haw haw haw! How appropriate for holy mother of god ... Looooove my java, though. I have tea on occasion, like last night I had some Indian chai which was nice. But in the morning I have to start with the real McCoy and have a good, strong, potent cuppa joe. If I could have an espresso maker I would hit that up every morning. My favorite is espresso macchiato- double espresso with frothed milk (less fattening than whip cream, although whip cream is delicioso on espresso). Course if you want fattening, Cafe Mocha, hands down. Chocolate milk, whip cream and espresso? Hell yeah. And about 1500 calories and 80 grams of fat per sip LOL!! Obesity in a cup... NICE!

1 comment:

Debbi said...

Ghost towns ARE cool. And we're SO alike in wanting that old direlict church. I love old barns and such, just the thought of keeping MOST of it the same and yet, livable.. love that.