Moving on from the topic of GOLD I ended up looking up the gold rush and the ghost towns that it left behind. When I was a kid my parents took me to Fort Steele in the Kootenays of BC. I remember being freaked out that we were going to a ghost town (WHY are we visiting ghosts?!) However I remember clearly seeing the fort in Fort Steele and seeing a lot of worn, weathered wood. Didn't realize there were so many ghost towns in Canada, and around the world also. So, like, can you re-inhabit these places if you wanted?! It would be quiet, right?! No neighbours... Ha! You could be the new sherrif in town! HA! I have ALWAYS wanted an old, derelict abandoned church in a rural setting that I could paint deep red and have a lovely garden around, with a mailbox and sign that says HOLYMOTHEROFGOD... !
One day, I tell you... Anyhoo, I digress...

1 comment:
Ghost towns ARE cool. And we're SO alike in wanting that old direlict church. I love old barns and such, just the thought of keeping MOST of it the same and yet, livable.. love that.
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