Saturday, June 18

Great weekend off. Clean house, clear mind. Just one week away from vacation.
Starting the process of repair.
Repairing the house.
Very slowly. Likely take most of the summer.
Repairing me, on the inside.
Very slowly. Likely take most of my life!
I find these intervals where I'm really down about myself. It takes me a while for that fog to lift, but after it does -man, I feel so clear and so at peace. It's almost a necessary tear down in order to restore. Strange, I'm sure, but somehow I need to really stop at times and allow myself to get overhelmed- to feel the burden. And then while I'm in that space I say to myself- hey, guess what? You're doing it! You!
It makes me imagine a swimmer crossing a lake... Getting tired in the middle. Stopping and bobbing out there in the water.. really no choice but to continue, but taking that moment to see what you are doing.. See what you are up against.. And finally see what you are capable of accomplishing.
See how far you have come.
See how courageous you are.
See that YOU are doing it.
Because you are...
Because I AM.

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