Neighbours: I think I have an acronym for the ones that suck...
S.I.N. Meaning Super Ignorant Neighbours. I have a couple sinners that live right above us and they are complete pricks to live anywhere near. Literally since I moved in here last November the 2 guys that live in the suite have been loud party animals. At all hours of the night, on any given night, they party. One guy has the LOUDEST most boisterous laugh I have ever had to listen to. I think they wrestle also based on the noises, and I swear they drop marbles onto their wood floors because that is EXACTLY the noise I have heard many times. Their most recent ignorance started Friday night as they partied into the late wee hours of Saturday (try 5am). I brushed it off thinking, hey, maybe they have weekends off- good for them. They're young, let's try to be receptive, sympathetic people... But this happened again on Saturday, then on Sunday and again this morning. I had enough by 4am this morning. They came out onto their balcony above us and started a loud, hearty conversation about some girl. I got up, put my robe on and wandered onto my balcony just as the guy above was horking a loogie down to the lawn below. I made eye contact as he did it and said, "You guys better STFU, seriously". He said nothing but quickly retreated back onto his porch. About 10 minutes later- conversation continues. Oh, I am PISSED now, you little bastards. Again, robe on, wander out and MUCH louder I declare war. "SERIOUSLY, STFU PEOPLE". I see him literally peek at me through the railing and retreat again. Quiets down for about 10 minutes. But again, it repeats. By this time the boyfriend is up ready to fire off some words. He opens the bedroom window and gives a solid, loud "HEY!!!" Apparently a deep, angry man's voice is what it required. 5am the noise level drops from the porch, but as soon as we shut our window some litter finds its way onto my porch from the one above. Interesting.... So by this time, quite wide awake I email my condo board everything that's ever pissed me off about these knobs. Like the fact the nighbour below us came up a few weeks back inquiring if the noise was from US (you know its bad when 2 floors DOWN someone can hear and complains). Like the construction in March. Like the complaint from the neighbour below us. Like this weekend and the litter. Like hell I am putting up with this shit.
This is war, people.
UUUUUGHH, I'm so sorry for your Sinners. That really really bites.
I truly feel your pain. I must have their relatives living next to me in my duplex. Serious idiots! I've called the cops on them numerous times, they've come back at me by peeing on my front porch! The music litterally shakes my house at 4pm-4am!!! Seriously folks!! And the weed I smell, that meanders into my windows at night is SICK. I mean, some people like that smell...I do NOT. I need a dog, so I can have it crap in a bag, where's my lighter?
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