Saturday, January 16


 My new favorite movie has to be SOUL, by Disney Pixar. I have always loved animated movies with a message. SOUL has some very deep messages about the meaning of life. What is the point of being here on Earth? What is the soul's "purpose"?

I love that the story discusses what is it about Life that really matters? Is it"what we do"? Is it what our occupation is? Is it whether or how we are remembered? I love that as the character named "22" comes into Being experiences life she sees it almost through a meditative lens. She observes how the sun comes through the clouds, and how the warm air from underground vents feels as you stand over top. She watches a father swing his happy young daughter from his arm as they walk happily along the sidewalk. She enjoys the savory taste of a pizza, and collects lollipops - sucking on them purely for the child-like enjoyment. As she sits in the barber chair she muses over what this life existence is and pulls those within earshot into her existential philosophies to discuss this human existence. 

We are all doing this as we wander through this life. All of us are asking these questions and finding our way as we fumble through. The best message of the movie is simple : be kind to each other. The mutual, shared experience for everyone is the same- we are all here (as a friend of mine once said) "doing life". It's your choice whether this is a "life sentence" or "an actively enjoyable experience". I will choose this.

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